How I work

How I work       


Most relationships that have difficulties are where the couples are co-dependent. You are de-selfing, or losing yourself in the relationship. Most relationships used to be co-dependent I.E. Men went to work and earnt the money, and women stayed home and had the children.

They were dependent on each other – Women for financial support, and men for emotional support.

Women often didn’t get their emotional needs met through their husbands, but through their children. This often created resentment

and frustration for both parties. Women nowadays are in a completely different position, able to work and be equal partners.

This has created a new way of being in relationships.

Does this sound familiar?

Through looking at the dynamics of your relationship, singly or together, we can create new, positive patterns of behaviour.

Relationships often create the following symptoms:


         Do you ever feel a sudden rush of fearfulness without an apparent reason?

         Do people tell you that you worry too much?

         Have you recently experienced a high-stress situation?

         Does a current or past relationship cause you to feel nervous or fearful at times?

         Do you feel anxious about something, or are you having panic attacks?

         Have you been through a crisis or experienced a traumati event in the past?

         Do you need to take a tranquilizer (or drink), in order to cope with certain situations that might otherwise cause you to hyperventilate or “fall apart”?


I work using talking therapy, EMDR and EFT. How I work is looking

at what happened in the past that is still affecting your behaviour


EMDR AND EFT help you look at stored emotional upsets and

traumas that have happened in the past which have created a

belief system – “I’m not good enough”, “I never receive what I


We can look at this together…..

                                                                Please call or text me on: 07717 326 803